Wednesday, May 21, 2008

With Apologies to Bill Maher

New Rules

If I call a person on the telephone, I want to hear a traditional ring tone. I do not want to hear the love song which was playing the night you lost your virginity or the song your mom loves. When I hear of a song instead of a ring tone, it makes me feel, I am on hold with customer support. So dont be surprised if you get the same treatment I dish out to them, even though you pretend to be my friend.

More.. Coming soon


Unknown said...

I couldnt't agree more!
And, for some reason this seems to be more popular in India. During my last trip, i swear to God, 95% of the numbers I called had some silly music going on. Pissed me off BIG time.

Unknown said...

I couldnt agree more with you. Its absolutely ridiculous to call someone and then hear some crappy music until the call is answered. This seems more popular in India though. During my last trip (couple of months ago), at least 90% of the numbers I called had some music/song playing. Pissed me off BIG time.

Praveen said...

I am not that religious and I don't mean to hurt religious sentiments when I say this:

I called someone and they had an
"Allah hu Akbar ringtone" and then a Loud Namaz style
song follows...
and I have to listen to this till he picks up the phone...

The same goes for 'Om Jaya Jagdish Hare ringtone' or sometimes the whole...
'Hanuman Chalisa ringtone'

Now I think twice before I call religious people who take time to answer their phones and in return spread some religious propaganda as a
Side Business.