Thursday, May 1, 2008

Forbidden zone

The Forbidden Room

Im parched,
Eyes fighting to stay open
Legs gave way to my knees
Fingers searching in desperation
for a knob, a key, a lock even
No way in, Rock solid
Covered in sweat and smears of blood
Breathing heavily as if I ran a marathon
But all I have done is wait outside the forbidden room

It sends out a shine, a radiant glow
which beckoned me to it, at first sight
How would I have known
to get inside would require an effort as seen by none.
I came as a knight, bravado in tow
My first attempts at it left me shell shocked and sore
Finnese and wit, my pillars of strength
fell apart and shattered against its mighty door

Bruised but not beaten, "its time to regroup", I said to myself
Slowly but surely, I started looking for loopholes
"This is not worth it, I can find other rooms, with treasures far greater and easier to explore"
"Stop making excuses, and focus on the door"
Conflicting thoughts, and frustration crept in,
a beam of light....Hope.... is it?
Halucinations galore

I would watch it for hours, observing every inch,
thoughts would criss cross about how to get in.
Ah.. a small opening here.. Success!!!!
Alas.. a dead end .. "no more"

Realization dawned
The room needs to trust. it needs to believe
I am deserving, I am the chosen one...
I need to believe, I need to trust
I need to push on, I need to try harder
Tired but hopeful, I linger along
Trying to show, there is only one..

Sweet glow .... of Happiness, of prosperity divine
This is my destiny, I know its mine.


Kal Aaj Aur Kal

Staring into the unknown, the future
The future stares back
What are you looking at?
I will destroy you, unless
So stop staring and work on your present
and let me get back to mine

I tried my hand at the current
But it didnt make sense
So I looked back at my past
Having been snubbed by the future
The past was much more accomadating
inviting me to revisit
The past was kind
It had taught me valuble lessons
It gave me fond memories
I was slipping away
What a wonderful past I had
Unlike the future, dark, and gloomy
the past was a light beckoning me towards it

Wait a minute!
My present is still good,
It was because of my past,
which was my present some time ago.
Thats the reason, I have fond memories
because I worked on it when it was my present
But the future conspires
By working with my past
to make me ruin my present
So I wont look back, I wont stare forward
I will put my head down
And work it out one day at a time.

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